The Timeboxing (its free!) helps you control the time.
The Timeboxing divides your issues for thirty minutes periods.
Start your timer and go to work!

guy Timeboxing
guy Timeboxing


Take control of your time

Start your 30 minutes work timer
Automatically log your work

Plugin allows you to start 30 minutes timer on given issues. When work is started plugin will add proper worklog automatically.

Check history of your timers and timeboxes. Start new timer when work is done.

Add a star to your work in JIRA with our Timeboxing plugin!

Handle issues like a pro

Make yourself a break
When your break is over, start the next challenge.

Once you’ve finished working on an issue the add-on will show you the list of more tasks that you can start working on. List is based on predefined priority setting.

For each thirty minutes work on issue the Timeboxing will set five minutes break.

You can track your efficiency by looking at the history of the issues you’ve worked on.

Are you interested?

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